
4 Views · 15 日 前

⁣For music producers and vocalists striving for top-tier sound quality, the AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 is an essential tool. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of downloading and installing AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024, ensuring a smooth and efficient setup. Additionally, we'll introduce Native Instruments – Karriem Riggins Drums, a versatile drum software that complements AutoTune and enhances your music production experience.
Why Choose AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024?
AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 is renowned for its advanced pitch correction and vocal ⁣https://soundbanks.io/product/....native-instruments-k capabilities. The latest version includes improved algorithms, intuitive controls, and innovative creative tools designed to help you achieve professional-quality results effortlessly. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced producer, this software is perfect for refining your vocal tracks.
Step 1: Verify System Requirements
Before downloading AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024, ensure that your computer meets the necessary system requirements. Visit the official website for detailed specifications and confirm that your operating system (Windows or macOS) is up to date to avoid any compatibility issues.
Step 2: Purchase or Subscribe
Visit the official AutoTune website or an authorized retailer to purchase or subscribe to AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024. Various pricing plans are available, including one-time purchases and subscription options that offer regular updates and additional features.
Step 3: Download the Installer
After completing your purchase or subscription, you will receive a download link via email or on the website. Click the link to download the installer file, typically a .exe for Windows or a .dmg for macOS. Ensure you have a stable internet connection to prevent interruptions during the download process.
Step 4: Install AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024
Locate the downloaded installer file on your computer and double-click to run it. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process. You may need to enter your purchase or subscription details to activate the software during installation.
Step 5: Configure Your DAW
Open your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) and verify that it recognizes the newly installed AutoTune plugins. Most DAWs, such as Ableton Live, Logic Pro, and FL Studio, will automatically scan for new plugins. If not, you may need to manually add the plugin folder in your DAW's preferences.
Step 6: Explore AutoTune Features
With AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 installed, you can begin using it on your vocal tracks. Experiment with various presets, adjust the pitch correction settings, and explore the creative vocal effects to achieve the perfect sound for your music.

31 Views · 3 年 前

回到最初的開始,立即觀賞【#侏羅紀世界:統霸天下】精彩序幕片段全新的【侏羅紀世界:統霸天下】5分鐘精彩序幕片段,由(【侏羅紀世界】系列)導演兼共同編劇柯林崔洛佛執導,為獨立的原創序幕內容,屆時將不會出現在電影本片當中。這片段是做為明年(2022年)暑假在戲院上映的【侏羅紀世界:統霸天下】的揭幕暖身。它將觀眾帶到6500 萬年人類出現前的世界---讓我們搶先看到恐龍真實存在的樣貌。序幕片段由為過去所有侏羅紀電影系列創造震撼視覺效果的光影魔幻工業公司全新打造,並為此片段精心設計呈現七個從未在侏羅紀電影系列中出現過的恐龍物種!2022暑假全台戲院隆重登場

204 Views · 5 年 前

In Cinemas Soon
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Genre: Epic Musical
Cast: James Corden, Judi Dench, Jason Derulo, Idris Elba, Jennifer Hudson, Ian McKellen, Taylor Swift, Rebel Wilson, and introducing Francesca Hayward
Director: Tom Hooper
Screenplay by: Lee Hall, Tom Hooper
Based on: Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot, the musical “Cats” by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Producers: Debra Hayward, Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Tom Hooper
Executive Producers: Andrew Lloyd Webber, Steven Spielberg, Angela Morrison, Jo Burn

Oscar®-winning director Tom Hooper (The King’s Speech, Les Misérables, The Danish Girl) transforms Andrew Lloyd Webber’s record-shattering stage musical into a breakthrough cinematic event.

Cats stars James Corden, Judi Dench, Jason Derulo, Idris Elba, Jennifer Hudson, Ian McKellen, Taylor Swift, Rebel Wilson and introduces Royal Ballet principal dancer Francesca Hayward in her feature film debut.

Featuring Lloyd Webber’s iconic music and a world-class cast of dancers under the guidance of Tony-winning choreographer Andy Blankenbuehler (Hamilton, In the Heights), the film reimagines the musical for a new generation with spectacular production design, state-of-the-art technology, and dance styles ranging from classical ballet to contemporary, hip-hop to jazz, street dance to tap.

The film also stars Robbie Fairchild (Broadway’s An American in Paris), Laurie Davidson (TNT’s Will), hip-hop dance sensation Les Twins (Larry and Laurent Bourgeois), acclaimed dancer Mette Towley (featured in videos for Rihanna and Pharrell Williams’ N.E.R.D.), Royal Ballet principal dancer Steven McRae, and rising-star singer Bluey Robinson.

Universal Pictures presents a Working Title Films and Amblin Entertainment production, in association with Monumental Pictures and The Really Useful Group. Cats is produced by Debra Hayward, Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner and Tom Hooper. The screenplay is by Lee Hall (Billy Elliot, Rocketman) and Hooper, based on Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot and the stage musical by Lloyd Webber. Cats is executive produced by Lloyd Webber, Steven Spielberg, Angela Morrison and Jo Burn.

One of the longest-running shows in West End and Broadway history, the stage musical “Cats” received its world premiere at the New London Theatre in 1981, where it played for 21 years and earned the Olivier and Evening Standard Awards for Best Musical. In 1983, the Broadway production became the recipient of seven Tony Awards, including Best Musical, and ran for an extraordinary 18 years. Since opening in London in 1981, “Cats” has continuously appeared on stage around the globe, to date having played to 81 million people in more than fifty countries and in nineteen languages. It is one of the most successful musicals of all time.

214 Views · 5 年 前

Watch the official trailer for #TopGun: Maverick starring Tom Cruise. In cinemas 2020.

318 Views · 5 年 前

Every hero, every story, every moment has led us here. Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame is NOW PLAYING in theaters.

Get your tickets and #DontSpoilTheEndgame: www.Fandango.com/AvengersEndgame

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273 Views · 5 年 前

轟動全球恐襲事件 撼動人心真實還原

2008年,孟買發生連環恐襲,多個標誌性建築及旅遊勝地遭恐怖分子投擲手榴彈及亂槍掃射,事件轟動全球。《殺神John Wick》系列賣座監製貝索伊雲尼克(Basil Iwanyk)以恐襲下的泰姬陵酒店(The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel)為舞台,打造另一部令人膽戰心驚的鉅獻《孟買酒店》( Hotel Mumbai)!《漫漫回家路》(Lion)金像提名男星迪柏特爾(Dev Patel)、《以你的名字呼喚我》(Call Me by Your Name)魅力型男艾米漢默(Armie Hammer)、《賓虛》(Ben-Hur)氣質女星娜桑蓮邦妮亞迪(Nazanin Boniadi)、《失戀自作業》( Silver Linings Playbook )阿努柏卡爾(Anupam Kher)及《哈利波特》系列(Harry Potter film series) 積遜艾薩斯(Jason Isaacs);合力重演當時轟動世界的震撼場面!真人真事,格外怵目驚心。電影從酒店員工、房客與恐怖份子三個不同角度切入,試圖還原這宗恐怖事件的始末;去年於多倫多國際影展首映時,獲得各國影評給予高度評價。

多倫多國際影展首映 各國影評高度評價

「非常寫實」 The Hollywood Reporter

「喘不過氣,扣人心弦」 Variety

「精彩絕倫,緊張得令人握緊拳頭」 Guardian

「極具感染力,令人有如置身其中」 Screen International

「既緊張刺激,又不乏感人及熱血沸騰的場面」 NOW Toronto

「全片絕無冷場,看得動魄驚心」 We Live Entertainment

「引人入勝」 The Reel Roundup

「技巧高超」The Wrap

絕境總有一線曙光 槍林彈雨下 無懼自我犧牲 延續眾人生存希望
轟動全球恐襲事件改編:2008年11月26日晚上,孟買市中心多處遭恐怖分子攻擊。部份暴徒持械混入五星級豪華旅館「泰姬陵酒店」,並逐層展開屠殺。數百名旅客及員工被困,警隊亦遲遲未到;當人人自危時,酒店侍應艾津(迪柏特爾 飾)及主廚卻率領自願留守的員工,冒生命危險協助旅客逃出生天…另一方面,旅客大衛(艾米漢默 飾)眼見求救無門,為了讓妻兒脫險,決定拼死一搏…一場無情殺戮,看盡人生百態,更在絕境中見證人性光輝。

上映日期:2019年4月17日(3月30日起 優先場)
片種:劇情 | 驚慄

322 Views · 5 年 前

《殺神John Wick 3》John Wick 3: Parabellum
5月16日 全球追「殺」

《殺神John Wick》系列原班人馬 再開殺戒
奇洛李維斯、荷爾芭莉首度合作 殺聲震天
《殺神John Wick 3》(John Wick 3: Parabellum)鐵定今年5月就會全球公映。來到系列第三集,除了繼續由荷里活型男奇洛李維斯(Keanu Reeves)飾演殺神尊韋克外,飾演酒店老闆榮士敦的伊恩麥聖(Ian McShane),以及飾演紐約地下組織話事人的羅蘭士費斯賓(Laurence Fishburne)都會再次現身。新面孔方面,本集有金像影后荷爾芭莉(Halle Berry)及金像女星安芝莉嘉侯絲頓(Anjelica Huston)傾力撐場,分別飾演殺神的親密戰友及恩師。系列幕後功臣:導演查德史達赫斯基(Chad Stahelski)及編劇戴力高斯達(Derek Kolstad)第三度合作,為殺神度身訂做連場前所未見的狠勁激戰!

《殺神John Wick》系列口碑票房雙豐收,皆因電影原創建構的「殺手世界觀」引人入勝,加上痛快流暢的動作場面及極具性格的主角;令電影別樹一格之餘,John Wick更成為奇洛的經典角色之一。電影中新奇的設定,如主角為了愛犬大開殺戒和用鉛筆做武器等皆成為亮點。今集電影當然不負所望,不但有由荷爾芭莉飾演的新角色率領狗狗幫助殺神,早前發放的劇照亦引發不少網民猜測殺神又有最新武器,製作人員更透露今集觀眾會對殺神的神秘身世有更多了解。英文片名中「Parabellum」有「如果你希望和平,就必須為戰爭準備」的意思,預示今次必定有一番腥風血雨!

全球追「殺」 踏血逃生 唯有殺得更兇狠!
殺神John Wick(奇洛李維斯 飾)違反殺手界鐵規,在殺手酒店殺死一名高級成員後,被酒店老闆榮士敦革除殺手會籍及發出高達1千4百萬美金懸賞令追殺,只給他黃金一小時逃生;連他的恩師 - 殺手集團高層「The Director」(安芝莉嘉侯絲頓 飾)亦無計可施。當全城殺手都盯著殺神這塊肥肉時,他得到昔日戰友蘇菲(荷爾芭莉 飾)拔刀相助。兩人面對無盡殺機,為了生存,只有殺得更兇狠!

語言:英語 (中文字幕)

314 Views · 5 年 前

環球影片 (香港) Facebook專頁: http://www.facebook.com/UPI.HK
環球影片 (香港) Instagram:UniversalPicturesHK

《狂野時速》系列前後共推出8部電影,大受影迷喜愛,全球共累積高達50億美元的驚人票房。今年暑假首度推出以狄維莊遜及積遜史達頓為主角的外傳 —《狂野時速:雙雄聯盟》(Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw)!「環球影業」榮譽發行,由《死侍2》導演掌舵,《狂野時速》系列班底炮製,實行火爆動作、狂野飛車、串爆鬥嘴共冶一爐,耳目一新!這次更飛馳到世界各地,由洛杉磯到倫敦,跨越核廢墟切爾諾貝爾到人間樂土薩摩亞,誓必為《狂野時速》系列闖開新一章!


Jacky Chun-Kit Chow
287 Views · 5 年 前

Marvel Studios《復仇者聯盟4: 終局之戰》
4.24 最後集結

304 Views · 5 年 前

Put on a happy face. #JokerMovie – in cinemas October.

Warner Bros. Pictures’ “Joker” stars Oscar nominee Joaquin Phoenix in the title role, alongside Oscar winner Robert De Niro, and is directed, produced and co-written by Oscar nominee Todd Phillips.
“Joker” centers around the iconic arch nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. Phillips’ exploration of Arthur Fleck (Phoenix), a man disregarded by society, is not only a gritty character study, but also a broader cautionary tale.
The film also stars Zazie Beetz (“Deadpool 2”), Frances Conroy (TV’s “American Horror Story,” Hulu’s “Castle Rock”), Marc Maron (TV’s “Maron,” “GLOW”), Bill Camp (“Red Sparrow,” “Molly’s Game”), Glenn Fleshler (TV’s “Billions,” “Barry”), Shea Whigham (“First Man,” “Kong: Skull Island”), Brett Cullen (“42,” Netflix’s “Narcos”), Douglas Hodge (“Red Sparrow,” TV’s “Penny Dreadful”) and Josh Pais (upcoming “Motherless Brooklyn,” “Going in Style”).
Phillips (“The Hangover” trilogy) directs from a screenplay he co-wrote with writer Scott Silver (“The Fighter”), based on characters from DC. The film is produced by Phillips and Bradley Cooper under their Joint Effort banner, and Emma Tillinger Koskoff. It is executive produced by Walter Hamada, Michael E. Uslan, Aaron L. Gilbert, Joseph Garner, Richard Baratta, and Bruce Berman.
Behind the scenes, Phillips is joined by director of photography Lawrence Sher (upcoming “Godzilla: King of the Monsters,” “The Hangover” trilogy), production designer Mark Friedberg (“Selma,” “The Amazing Spider-Man 2”), editor Jeff Groth (“War Dogs,” “The Hangover Part III”), and Oscar-winning costume designer Mark Bridges (“Phantom Thread,” “The Artist”).
A Warner Bros. Pictures presentation, in Association with Village Roadshow Pictures, in Association with BRON Creative, a Joint Effort Production, a Todd Phillips Movie, “Joker” is set for release beginning 2 October 2019, and will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures.

323 Views · 5 年 前




326 Views · 5 年 前


343 Views · 5 年 前

Whatever it takes. Watch the brand-new trailer for Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame. In theaters April 26.

► Learn more: https://marvel.com/movies/avengers-endgame

► Subscribe to Marvel: http://bit.ly/WeO3YJ

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358 Views · 6 年 前


《廉政風雲 煙幕》嘅最終預告終於有得睇啦!

Jacky Chun-Kit Chow
1,017 Views · 6 年 前

2018 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival
台北金馬影展 | 11.8 - 11.25
金馬電影學院 | 10.20 - 11.17
金馬創投會議 | 11.13 - 11.15
第55屆金馬獎頒獎典禮 | 11.17

622 Views · 6 年 前

GOTHAM Official Comic Con Trailer (2019) NYCC Season 5 Superhero Series HD
© 2018 - DC/WB

702 Views · 6 年 前

▶ Coming Soon
▶ Starring: Keira Knightley, Eleanor Tomlinson, Dominic West
▶ Directed by Wash Westmoreland

Unconventional country girl Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette has married a charismatic egomaniacal man of letters, 14 years her senior, known by the single name, Willy. Through his auspices, Colette is introduced into the fecund world of the artistic demimonde in Paris where her creative appetite is sparked. Ever quick to capitalise on talent, Willy permits Colette to write her novels only if she does so in his name. The phenomenal success of her Claudine series makes Willy a famous writer and Colette and Willy the first modern celebrity couple. Although they are the toast of the town, lack of recognition for her work begins to gnaw on Colette. Their marriage starts to internally combust - but emotionally and artistically, she cannot break free of him. On a downward slide, Willy resorts to increasingly desperate measures to pay his debts and sabotage his wife but Colette is developing resources of her own.

Set at the dawn of the modern age, COLETTE is the story of a woman who has been denied her voice by an overbearing man, and who goes to extraordinary lengths to find it; a battle of the sexes at the very beginning of the modern age, when seismic shifts were taking place in the roles of men and women. More than a century after the publication of her first novel, Colette is still one of the best-selling, and beloved, French authors.

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718 Views · 6 年 前


Every adventure has a beginning. Watch the official teaser trailer for Bumblebee, starring Hailee Steinfeld and John Cena. Directed by Travis Knight. #BumblebeeMovie hits theatres this Christmas.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BumblebeeMovie
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BumblebeeMovie
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/BumblebeeMovie

Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a major global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment, is a unit of Viacom (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA), home to premier global media brands that create compelling television programs, motion pictures, short-form content, apps, games, consumer products, social media experiences, and other entertainment content for audiences in more than 180 countries.

Connect with Paramount Pictures Online:

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/paramountpics
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Paramount

703 Views · 6 年 前

What makes you different is what makes you Spider-Man. Watch the new Spider-Man: Into The #SpiderVerse trailer now - in theaters this Christmas.

Subscribe to Sony Pictures for exclusive content: http://bit.ly/SonyPicsSubscribe

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Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, the creative minds behind The Lego Movie and 21 Jump Street, bring their unique talents to a fresh vision of a different Spider-Man Universe, with a groundbreaking visual style that’s the first of its kind. Spider-Man™: Into the Spider-Verse introduces Brooklyn teen Miles Morales, and the limitless possibilities of the Spider-Verse, where more than one can wear the mask.

Shameik Moore
Hailee Steinfeld
Mahershala Ali
Jake Johnson
Liev Schreiber
Brian Tyree Henry
Luna Lauren Velez
Lily Tomlin

1,159 Views · 6 年 前

SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/A24subscribe

From David Robert Mitchell and starring Andrew Garfield, Riley Keough, and Topher Grace. Under the Silver Lake – Coming Soon.

RELEASE DATE: December 7, 2018
DIRECTOR: David Robert Mitchell
CAST: Andrew Garfield, Riley Keough, and Topher Grace

Visit Under the Silver Lake WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/UnderTheSilverLakeMov
Like Under the Silver Lake http://bit.ly/UnderTheSilverLakeFB
Follow Under the Silver Lake: http://bit.ly/UnderTheSilverLakeTW
Follow Under the Silver Lake: http://bit.ly/UnderTheSilverLakeIG


Official YouTube channel for A24, the studio behind Moonlight, Lady Bird, The Disaster Artist, The Florida Project, The Witch, Ex Machina & more.

Coming Soon: Lean on Pete, Hereditary, Eighth Grade, Slice

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778 Views · 6 年 前

REVENGE Official Trailer (2018) Action Thriller Movie HD
© 2018 - NEON

Comedy, Kids, Family and Animated Film, Blockbuster, Action Cinema, Blockbuster, Scifi Movie or Fantasy film, Drama... We keep you in the know!

Subscribe now to catch the best movie trailers 2017 and the latest official movie trailer, film clip, scene, review, interview.

685 Views · 6 年 前

Robin Hood – In theaters November 21, 2018. Starring Taron Egerton, Jamie Foxx, Ben Mendelsohn, Eve Hewson, Tim Minchin, and Jamie Dornan.

Subscribe to the LIONSGATE YouTube Channel for the latest movie trailers, clips, and more: http://lions.gt/youtubesubscribe


Robin of Loxley (Taron Egerton) a war-hardened Crusader and his Moorish commander (Jamie Foxx) mount an audacious revolt against the corrupt English crown in a thrilling action-adventure packed with gritty battlefield exploits, mind-blowing fight choreography, and a timeless romance.

Summit Entertainment presents, an Appian Way production, a Safehouse Pictures production, in association with Thunder Roads Films.

605 Views · 6 年 前

PEPPERMINT Official Trailer (2018) Jennifer Garner, Action Movie HD
© 2018 - STX

Comedy, Kids, Family and Animated Film, Blockbuster, Action Cinema, Blockbuster, Scifi Movie or Fantasy film, Drama... We keep you in the know!

Subscribe now to catch the best movie trailers 2017 and the latest official movie trailer, film clip, scene, review, interview.

590 Views · 6 年 前


Life has become a balancing act for Adonis Creed. Between personal obligations and training for his next big fight, he is up against the challenge of his life. Facing an opponent with ties to his family’s past only intensifies his impending battle in the ring. Rocky Balboa is there by his side through it all and, together, Rocky and Adonis will confront their shared legacy, question what’s worth fighting for, and discover that nothing’s more important than family. Creed II is about going back to basics to rediscover what made you a champion in the first place, and remembering that, no matter where you go, you can’t escape your history.

Cast: Michael B. Jordan, Sylvester Stallone, Tessa Thompson, Wood Harris, Russell Hornsby, Florian “Big Nasty” Munteanu, Andre Ward, Phylicia Rashad, Dolph Lundgren

Connect with Creed II:
WEBSITE: http://creedthemovie.com/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/creedmovie
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/creedmovie/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/creedmovie

About MGM Studios: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. is a leading entertainment company focused on the production and distribution of film and television content globally. The company owns one of the world’s deepest libraries of premium film and television content. In addition, MGM has investments in domestic and international television channels, including MGM-branded channels.

Connect with MGM Studios Online
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CREED II | Official Trailer | MGM

603 Views · 6 年 前


From Academy Award®-winning director Steve McQueen ("12 Years a Slave") and co-writer and bestselling author Gillian Flynn ("Gone Girl") comes a blistering, modern-day thriller set against the backdrop of crime, passion and corruption. "Widows" is the story of four women with nothing in common except a debt left behind by their dead husbands' criminal activities. Set in contemporary Chicago, amid a time of turmoil, tensions build when Veronica (Oscar® winner Viola Davis), Linda (Michelle Rodriguez), Alice (Elizabeth Debicki) and Belle (Cynthia Erivo) take their fate into their own hands and conspire to forge a future on their own terms. "Widows" also stars Liam Neeson, Colin Farrell, Robert Duvall, Daniel Kaluuya, Lukas Haas and Brian Tyree Henry.

In Theaters November 16, 2018

Director: Steve McQueen

Producers: Iain Canning, Emile Sherman, Steve McQueen, Arnon Milchan

Screenplay by: Gillian Flynn & Steve McQueen

Based on “Widows” by Lynda La Plante

Cast: Viola Davis, Michelle Rodriguez, Elizabeth Debicki, Cynthia Erivo, Colin Farrell, Brian Tyree Henry, Daniel Kaluuya, Garret Dillahunt, Carrie Coon, Jacki Weaver, Jon Bernthal, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo with Robert Duvall and Liam Neeson

Connect with Widows Online:
Visit the Widows WEBSITE: http://WidowsMovie.com
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Watch the Official Trailer: http://fox.co/WidowsMovie

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Widows | Teaser Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

727 Views · 6 年 前


Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - In Theaters November 16

Warner Bros. Pictures’ “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald” is the second of five all new adventures in J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World™.

At the end of the first film, the powerful Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald (Johnny Depp) was captured by MACUSA (Magical Congress of the United States of America), with the help of Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne). But, making good on his threat, Grindelwald escaped custody and has set about gathering followers, most unsuspecting of his true agenda: to raise pure-blood wizards up to rule over all non-magical beings.

In an effort to thwart Grindelwald’s plans, Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law) enlists his former student Newt Scamander, who agrees to help, unaware of the dangers that lie ahead. Lines are drawn as love and loyalty are tested, even among the truest friends and family, in an increasingly divided wizarding world.

The film features an ensemble cast led by Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Dan Fogler, Alison Sudol, Ezra Miller, with Jude Law and Johnny Depp. The cast also includes, Zoë Kravitz, Callum Turner, Claudia Kim, William Nadylam, Kevin Guthrie, Carmen Ejogo, and Poppy Corby-Tuech.

“Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald” is directed by David Yates, from a screenplay by J.K. Rowling. The film is produced by David Heyman, J.K. Rowling, Steve Kloves and Lionel Wigram.

Slated for release on November 16, 2018, the film will be distributed worldwide in 2D and 3D in select theatres and IMAX by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.

603 Views · 6 年 前

Based on a true story that changed everything, Hugh Jackman is #TheFrontRunner – only in theaters this Election Day.

Subscribe to Sony Pictures for exclusive content: http://bit.ly/SonyPicsSubscribe

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Hugh Jackman
Vera Farmiga
JK Simmons

#Sony #OfficialTrailer

908 Views · 6 年 前


In theaters October 4th.

Academy Award® winners Sandra Bullock ("The Blind Side," "The Proposal") and George Clooney ("Up in the Air," "Syriana") star in "Gravity," a heart-pounding thriller that pulls you into the infinite and unforgiving realm of deep space. The film was directed by Oscar® nominee Alfonso Cuarón ("Children of Men").

Pre-order the soundtrack: http://smarturl.it/Gravity_amazon

1,129 Views · 6 年 前

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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Ben Stiller Movie HD

A timid magazine photo manager who lives life vicariously through daydreams embarks on a true-life adventure when a negative goes missing.

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589 Views · 6 年 前

《絕地孤軍》導演彼得柏格 X《絕地孤軍》麥克華堡 X 《突撃死亡塔》伊哥烏華斯

【冇身份、冇支援 鬼影特工死亡血戰】
當外交無用、又不能採取軍事行動時,就要出動以占士(麥克華堡 飾)為首的國家秘密部隊「鬼影特工」。他們雖然身為CIA的精英份子,但行動時沒有身份、沒有政府支援,更不會被承認,每次都要拼死血戰,捨命完成任務。一次在東南亞執勤時,精通搏擊術的間諜李洛(伊哥烏華斯 飾)以手上掌握恐襲美國的機密資料要脅,要求被護送返美。為解除恐襲危機,占士與隊友奉命護送他前往機場。看似短短的22哩,卻遭到十面埋伏,不斷被當地重裝精銳以重火力截擊!槍林彈雨、埋身廝殺…稍一不慎就會即時喪命;占士與李洛如何殺出重圍?

語言:英語 (中文字幕)

Jacky Chun-Kit Chow
848 Views · 6 年 前


♪溫暖小人物 平凡中見不平凡♪

徐老師(谷祖琳 飾)在特殊學校任教音樂,一直渴望能轉到主流學校,卻因被標籤為特殊學校老師而碰壁;思穎(余香凝 飾)是Band 1學校的平庸學生,眼前的公開試令她喘不過氣來;來自Band 3學校的反逆少年珈豪(岑珈其 飾 ) 終日無所事事,對於家中的智障弟弟 ( 謝珈朗 飾 )不聞不問...... 徐老師被校方委派籌備音樂劇,公私兩忙下仍硬著頭皮應付;思穎為了討好老師博取高分,自薦義務參與校外音樂劇;珈豪為免被逐出校,迫於無奈參與學校的「洗底計劃」,出席特殊學校的音樂劇。三人因各自目的,參與一場在他們眼中毫無價值的音樂劇,竟不知不覺間譜出了他們的非凡人生。

Ms Tsui (Jo Koo) is a music teacher in a special education needs (SEN) school, who is not able to switch to a mainstream school due to stereotyping and labelling; Zoey (Jennifer Yu) is an underachiever from a Band 1 school, who is struggling for the coming public examina-tion; Ka Ho (Kaki Sham) is a rebellious teenager from a Band 3 school, who idles away his time and doesn’t care about his handicapped little brother…… When being assigned to helm a musical performance, Ms Tsui has to bite the bullet while juggling between work and per-sonal issues; for the sake of earning higher school credit, Zoey volunteers in an extracurricu-lar musical; to avoid being expelled, Ka Ho has no choice but to attend a musical in a SEN school. Three individuals take part in a musical they deem worthless for their own purposes, which turns out to be a journey of self-discovery towards their dreams and goals.

540 Views · 6 年 前



★ 徐克導演、監製陳國富攜手再創華語魔幻冒險磅礡史詩篇章!


973 Views · 6 年 前

UNFRIENDED 2: DARK WEB Official Trailer (2018) Horror Movie HD

PLOT: A teen comes into possession of a new laptop and soon discovers that the previous owner is not only watching him, but will also do anything to get it back.

CAST: Rebecca Rittenhouse, Chelsea Alden, Betty Gabriel

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Jacky Chun-Kit Chow
840 Views · 6 年 前

《兄弟班》(英語:House of The Rising Sons),2018年上映電影,由鄧加樂、陳家樂、於湉、林耀聲、吳鶴謙、王梓軒、葉智強、譚詠麟、陳友、鍾鎮濤、彭健新、惠英紅、金燕玲、錢小豪、廖啟智主演。


577 Views · 6 年 前

環球影片 (香港) Facebook專頁: http://www.facebook.com/UPI.HK
環球影片 (香港) Instagram:UniversalPicturesHK

導演:《星聲夢裡人》《鼓動真我》戴米恩查素 DamienChazelle
主演:《星聲夢裡人》賴恩高斯寧 Ryan Gosling,《王冠》嘉莉兒佛伊 Claire Foy
劇本:《焦點追擊》喬許辛格 Josh Singer
改編:James R. Hansen撰寫的傳記《First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong》

首個登陸月球太空人#NeilArmstrong - 史上最艱辛的任務。

803 Views · 6 年 前

《#極悍巨鯊》 8月9日 噬不可擋
CHOMP ON THIS! Jason Statham stars in #TheMeg - In Cinemas August 9

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《狂野時速》系列積遜史達頓(Jason Statham)及《風聲》金馬影后李冰冰(Li Bingbing)合演最新科幻動作驚慄鉅獻《極悍巨鯊》(The Meg)!本片由《驚天奪寶》系列導演莊泰圖托(Jon Turteltaub)執導。

故事講述國際海底觀測計劃的一艘深海潛水艇,遭一隻早被認為已滅絕的巨型生物襲擊。該生物現存活於太平洋最深的海溝底部,而船員正被困在裡面……情況分秒必爭,深海救援潛水專家Jonas Taylor(積遜史達頓 飾)被一位有遠見的中國海洋學家(趙文瑄 飾)招募,他的女兒Suyin(李冰冰 飾)希望可以從這隻歷史悠久、長75英尺的巨齒鯊(Megalodon)的威脅下救回船員和保護海洋。無人能想像的是,原來Taylor多年前便曾遇過這隻可怕的巨物。現在他與Suyin合作,並必須面對自身的恐懼和冒著生命危險去拯救被困在海底的每個人,讓他再次與史上最龐大的掠奪者正面交鋒!

《極悍巨鯊》其他演員陣容包括《變形金剛:狂派再起》雷恩威爾森(Rainn Wilson)、《3X反恐暴族:重火力回歸》露比蘿絲(Ruby Rose)、《辛亥革命》趙文瑄(Winston Chao)、電視劇《火拼時速》彼茲甘迺迪(Page Kennedy)、《男女單打戰》謝西嘉麥娜美(Jessica McNamee)、《黑金速遞》奧利佛達里歐拉費森(Ólafur Darri Ólafsson)、《金剛:骷髏島》羅拔泰勒(Robert Taylor)、《有一個地方只有我們知道》蔡書雅(Sophia Shuya Cai)、《喬布斯》岡政偉(Masi Oka)及《公元前10,000年》奇里夫柯蒂斯(Cliff Curtis)。

劇本由《洗腦密令》狄恩佐加域斯(Dean Georgaris)及《猛火爆》系列兄弟班編劇莊海柏(Jon Hoeber)、艾域奇海柏(Erich Hoeber)聯合執筆,改編自作家史提夫艾頓編寫的《紐約時報》暢銷榜小說。《變形金剛》系列羅雲素迪博納文圖拉(Lorenzo di Bonaventura)、《賊兄弟連環劫》貝爾艾花莉(Belle Avery)及《侏羅紀公園》系列哥連韋遜(Colin Wilson)監製,Gerald R. Molen、Randy Greenberg、Wayne Wei Jiang及Barrie Osborne擔任執行監製。

其他幕後功臣的包括奧斯卡提名《飢餓遊戲》湯史特恩(Tom Stern)出任攝影指導,《魔戒》系列奧斯卡得主Grant Major當美術指導,剪接則由《職業特工隊2》Steven Kemper包辦,《以真相之名》服裝設計師Amanda Neale,及《變種特攻:狼人外傳》Harry Gregson-Williams配樂。

《極悍巨鯊》橫跨兩大洲在中國及紐西蘭取景拍攝,由華納兄弟影片公司及Gravity Pictures聯合呈獻,華納兄弟影片公司發行,將於2018年8月9日盛大獻映。

625 Views · 6 年 前

風靡全球的《盜海豪情》浪潮即將回歸!新一章講述以金像影后珊迪娜布洛(Sandra Bullock)為首的一群女盜賊聯手計劃在紐約執行一場終極搶劫行動。電影雲集兩大金像影后—《引力邊緣》珊迪娜布洛、《情迷藍茉莉》姬蒂白蘭芝(Cate Blanchett),帶領《孤星淚》金像女星安夏菲慧(Anne Hathaway)、《玩轉腦朋友》文迪嘉蓮(Mindy Kaling)、金球視后《卡露的情人》莎拉寶森(Sarah Paulson)、《賤鄰2》艾桂菲娜(Awkwafina)、國際樂壇天后蕾哈娜(Rihanna)及《皇上無話兒》金像提名女星海倫娜寶咸卡達(Helena Bonham Carter),配上《哈比人》系列李察亞密提治(Richard Armitage)和《一切從音樂再開始》占士高登(James Corden)聯合主演。

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538 Views · 6 年 前


如果你喜歡揸車,#黃色甲蟲車 會唔會係你嘅 #DREAMCAR?《#變形金剛》系列入面,同人類最FRIEND嘅《#大黃蜂》,今個#聖誕將會「單飛」發展! #米高比爾 同 #史提芬史匹堡 呢對皇牌拍檔再度聯手,將會為觀眾帶嚟另一部別開生面嘅 #特技動作鉅獻!首個預告已經網上熱播,你睇咗未呢?

12月27日 蜂魔全球

684 Views · 6 年 前

監製:甄子丹 王 晶 王雅琳
領銜主演:甄子丹 陳喬恩

562 Views · 6 年 前

由導演邱禮濤執導及唐文康監製、並由張智霖 ( Chilam )、吳鎮宇及佘詩曼等主演之懸疑劇情片《洩密者們》,鐵定於6月21日在港、澳兩地同步上映!


6月21日 公諸於世

638 Views · 6 年 前

From the outer reaches of space to the small-town streets of suburbia, the hunt comes home in Shane Black’s explosive reinvention of the Predator series. Now, the universe’s most lethal hunters are stronger, smarter and deadlier than ever before, having genetically upgraded themselves with DNA from other species. When a young boy accidentally triggers their return to Earth, only a ragtag crew of ex-soldiers and a disgruntled science teacher can prevent the end of the human race.

Coming to Cinemas

Director: Shane Black
Screenplay by: Shane Black and Fred Dekker
Producers: John Davis, Larry Gordon, Joel Silver
Cast: Boyd Holbrook, Trevante Rhodes, Jacob Tremblay, Keegan-Michael Key, Olivia Munn, Sterling K. Brown, Alfie Allen, Jane Thomas, Augusto Aguilera, Jake Busey, Yvonne Strahovski

20th Century Fox 二十世紀褔斯影片(香港)

1,053 Views · 6 年 前

KIN – In Theaters August 31, 2018. Starring Jack Reynor, Zoë Kravitz, Carrie Coon, with Dennis Quaid, and James Franco, introducing Myles Truitt.

Subscribe to the LIONSGATE YouTube Channel for the latest movie trailers, clips, and more: http://lions.gt/youtubesubscribe


KIN, a pulse-pounding crime thriller with a sci-fi twist, is the story of an unexpected hero destined for greatness. Chased by a vengeful criminal (James Franco) and a gang of otherworldly soldiers,​ a recently released ex-con (Jack Reynor) and his adopted teenage brother (Myles Truitt) are forced to go on the run with a weapon of mysterious origin as their only protection.

Summit Entertainment presents, a No Trace Camping / 21 Laps Entertainment production.

559 Views · 6 年 前

Marvel Studios10周年暑期鉅獻,《蟻俠2:黃蜂女現身》今個夏天拍住上!

1,064 Views · 6 年 前

環球影片 (香港) Facebook專頁: http://www.facebook.com/UPI.HK
環球影片 (香港) Instagram:UniversalPicturesHK


由傳奇影業製作,環球影片發行的最新動作巨獻《高凶浩劫》,找來狄維莊遜(Dwayne Johnson)擔任主角。

當全球最高自稱最安全的大廈THE PEARL遭到恐怖襲擊時,由狄維莊遜飾演的FBI人質救援隊長必須冒著生命危險進人大廈中,救出民眾及家人。

568 Views · 6 年 前

導演:《海嘯奇蹟》、《魔樹奇緣》安東尼奧拜納 J.A. Bayona
編劇:《侏羅紀世界》《金剛: 骷髏島》戴維哥盧李 Derek Connolly、
《侏羅紀世界》哥連卓法羅 Colin Trevorrow
監製: 《侏羅紀世界》、《侏羅紀公園》系列 史提芬史匹堡 Stephen Spielberg
《侏羅紀世界》哥連卓法羅 Colin Trevorrow、
《侏羅紀世界》、《叛諜追擊》系列 法蘭馬素 Frank Marshall、
《侏羅紀世界》、《叛諜追擊》系列 柏德烈高里 Patrick Crowley、
《海嘯奇蹟》貝倫艾蒂雅莎 Belén Atienza
角色原創: 《侏羅紀公園》系列 米高基里頓 Michael Crichton
主演: 《侏羅紀世界》、《銀河守護隊》系列 基斯柏特 Chris Pratt、
《侏羅紀世界》拜絲黛麗侯活 Bryce Dallas Howard、
《侏羅紀世界》、《侏羅紀公園》 黃榮亮 BD Wong、
《不赦島》狄李雲民 Ted Levine、
《紙上城市》加斯里史密斯 Justice Smith、
《海嘯奇蹟》潔拉汀卓別林 Geraldine Chaplin、
《吸血鬼日記》丹尼爾娜皮內達 Daniella Pineda、
《美國隊長》系列 杜比鍾斯 Toby Jones、
《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》拉菲斯波 Rafe Spall、
《侏羅紀公園》系列 謝夫高拔林 Jeff Goldblum
片種: 動作/冒險
語言: 英語

《侏羅紀世界》(Jurassic World) 於2015年登上大銀幕,重塑栩栩如生的恐龍世界,成功瘋魔各地影迷,全球票房直逼17億美元!今集將有更多恐龍品種,更震撼的災難場面呈現觀眾眼前,保證觀感更加精彩刺激!

今集由《侏羅紀公園》(Jurassic Park) 系列導演史提芬史匹堡 (Stephen Spielberg) 及《侏羅紀世界》導演哥連卓法羅 (Colin Trevorrow) 雙雙出任監製,《海嘯奇蹟》金像導演尊安東尼奧拜納 (J.A. Bayona) 執導, 上集表現亮眼的基斯柏特 (Chris Pratt)、拜絲黛麗侯活 (Bryce Dallas Howard) 以及曾出演《侏羅紀公園》的黃榮亮 (BD Wong) 繼續擔綱演出,而《侏羅紀公園》系列主要角色之一謝夫高拔林 (Jeff Goldblum) 強勢回歸。

恐龍主題樂園侏羅紀世界,因兇王龍 (Indominus Rex) 逃脫造成的大混亂而被迫永久關閉,樂園從人類度假勝地,變成恐龍的自由棲息之地。然而島上火山蠢蠢欲動,這群現代恐龍面臨再次滅絕的威脅!奧雲 (基斯柏特 飾) 和嘉怡 (拜絲黛麗侯活 飾) 不忍恐龍就此消失,決定冒生命危險重回樂園。他們一方面要進行拯救,一方面要擺脫恐龍的攻擊和火山爆發的危機,到底這些史前巨獸能否逃過絕種的宿命?

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