
21 Views · 2 年 前

#周深达拉崩吧 #周深 #charlie
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Democracy viiv
21 Views · 2 年 前

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20 Views · 5 年 前

【单曲纯享版】汪晨蕊《友情岁月》 《中国新歌声》第11期 SING!CHINA EP.11 20160923 [浙江卫视官方超清1080P] 那英战队

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20 Views · 4 年 前





2020 / 12 / 31

☞ 相信音樂YouTube頻道
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19 Views · 3 年 前

音樂是表達個人情感的歸處。網絡人氣紅人黃曉晴 Yelo表面活潑好動,但同時亦熱愛音樂藝術! 影片當中YELO展現了文青感性的一面,用音樂跟大家分享內心的感受,希望音樂可以成為每個人生活的一部分。

19 Views · 2 年 前

Find us on Facebook 在臉書上找到我們:https://bit.ly/33fcgH8 吐槽纯享版,人间真实薛之谦,在线吐槽还打嗝,整段垮掉!

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人间真实薛之谦,在线吐槽还打嗝,整段垮掉! | 吐槽大会S1 Roast S1
视频来源于:《吐槽大会S1 Roast S1》

#薛之谦 #吐槽大会 #Roast #脱口秀

18 Views · 3 年 前


來到九胎,他再次找上《Master Class》的作曲人Gareth Tong創作旋律,亦寫了篇千字文給填詞人小克:



「鏡中自我」(Looking-glass self)是由美國社會學家Charles Cooley所提出的概念,他認為所有關係都是一面鏡,自我意識就是從別人如何看自己而建立。於是小克聯想到《鏡中鏡》這歌名,當兩塊鏡子對疊,鏡映把自我無限伸延,世界上所有人,孰敵孰友,原來都是「我」自己的化身。

《鏡中鏡》(spiegel im spiegel)也同時是愛沙尼亞作曲家Arvo Pärt於1978年寫下的名曲,以重複的三個鐘鳴式琴音貫切全曲。姜濤這首《鏡中鏡》結尾的十二個琴音正是借用自這樂曲。

#姜濤 #鏡中鏡 #MIRRORweare


曲 :Gareth.T
詞 :小克
編 :Gareth.T / Y.Siu / Ariel Lai / Big Spoon
監 :Edward Chan / Gareth.T / Y.Siu / Cousin Fung
唱 :Keung To 姜濤

誰攀高一級 再高一級
天天都追迫我 終於沾濕 汗毛

畀畀心 畀畀心 永不變的標誌
姜B 姜B 不想被稱得意
K-pop Canto-pop 這比較怎可以
不偏 不倚(走音)

便一伙共舞 盡做 大路
便生火獨舞 逐步 每步

以 一首歌曲 數百個字
賜我力量 用力訴
成名和寂寞 盡力訴
留言和辯論 落力訴(反攻)
台前和幕後 合力訴(反擊)
掃到那落葉落盡 尚在掃
來生 無業報

緊急出口 已看到
如何難逃 如何難逃
如何能逃 如何能逃
方知 我要折返童年時
追尋何時 欺凌何時

解開傷口 細意探視
領我頓悟 用力吐
懷疑和懦弱 盡力吐
靈魂和內臟 落力吐(分解)
童年和現在 合力吐(匯聚)
吐到那幻象幻滅 尚在吐
浸沒到 才知
根本 我是濤

誰 獨對鏡中空虛
誰 迷惑鏡映作祟
一鏡在前的 恐懼
一鏡後遺的 眼淚
雙鏡對疊 無限敵對 也是我自己

Programming by Gareth.T / Y. Siu
Except Additional Programming by Ariel Lai / Big Spoon
Backing Vocal Arranged by Gareth.T
Backing Vocal by Gareth.T

Additional Backing Vocal Arranged by Cousin Fung
Additional Backing Vocal by Cousin Fung

Strings Arranged by Y.Siu
Orchestrated by Danny Cheng
Violin by Leslie Ryang

Protools Editing by Edward Chan / Y.Siu / Gareth.T / Michael Wong
Recorded by Edward Chan / Y.Siu / Gareth.T / Michael Wong / King Kong

Mixed by Matthew Sim
Mastered by Matthew Sim

OP: Warner Music Hong Kong Ltd/Shoot The Lyricist Limited
SP: Warner Chappell Music, Hong Kong Limited

Follow 姜濤 Keung To
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keung_show/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/%E5%A7%9C%E6...

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mirror.weare/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MIRROR.WeAre/

18 Views · 2 年 前


17 Views · 4 年 前

⁣八年級最愛的懷念好歌(78首) 丁噹【手掌心】、周杰倫 -告白氣球、G.E.M.光年之外 、JC - 說散就散、于文文-體面、漂向北方 、我不願讓你一個人 七、八年級最愛的懷念好歌
The tracklist:
[00:00:00] - 01.飛鳥和螺- 任然
[00:05:00] - 02.薛明媛 - 失眠飛行
[00:08:24] - 03.下墜Falling
[00:12:07] - 04.你的上好佳 - 愛,存在
[00:17:01] - 05.一百萬個可能
[00:21:09] - 06.阿元 - 你的答案
[00:23:53] - 07.馮提莫 - 空心
[00:26:36] - 08.江澈& Younglife《病變》
[00:30:11] - 09.Uu - 那女孩對我說
[00:33:55] - 10.少年 - 夢然
[00:37:31] - 11.音闕詩聽 - 芒種
[00:41:04] - 12.徐佳莹- 真的傻
[00:45:19] - 13.大弦 - 靜悄悄
[00:48:30] - 14.棉子《勇氣》
[00:52:24] - 15.潘柯夫 - 學著習慣
[00:57:08] - 16.我以为
[01:02:32] - 17.徐薇 - 我以為
[01:07:37] - 18.程小小 - 沒有在一起
[01:11:44] - 19.劉增瞳 - 你從不知道
[01:15:35] - 20.劉增瞳 - 不要離開你
[01:20:14] - 21.井朧 - 不刪
[01:24:40] - 22.畢書盡 Bii - 我想你了
[01:27:25] - 23.孟西 - 最後才懂
[01:31:51] - 24.【張聖子】雨下的瞬間
[01:36:23] - 25.Mi2 - 勇敢愛
[01:40:35] - 26.河北吳孟達 - 我像一個傻瓜
[01:43:49] - 27.蛋蛋、沈蟲蟲 - 月牙灣
[01:47:29] - 28.再见只是陌生人 - 摩登兄弟
[01:51:04] - 29.彈唱小蓉 - 想要對你說
[01:55:33] - 30.夏天的风
[01:58:43] - 31.阿元 - 與我無關
[02:02:22] - 32.牛奶咖啡 - 明天你好
[02:06:50] - 33.退場 - 高音質動態歌詞
[02:11:07] - 34.劉大壯 - 我很好
[02:15:07] - 35.勝嶼 - 歐若拉
[02:18:50] - 36.劉增瞳 - 還記得我嗎
[02:22:51] - 37.趙奕歡 - 回不去的過去
[02:28:23] - 38.你的酒馆对我打了烊
[02:32:32] - 39.王穎淇 - 決定愛你
[02:36:58] - 40.阿涵 - 備愛
[02:40:42] - 41.于文文- 體面
[02:44:08] - 42.雨宗林 - 我們都懂
[02:50:03] - 43.夢然 - 不只是想你
[02:54:02] - 44.劉丹萌 - 互不打擾
[02:58:42] - 45.虎二 - 你一定要幸福
[03:03:03] - 46.井迪 - 失控
[03:07:22] - 47.賀一航 - 聽說當初你找過我
[03:11:27] - 48.劉至佳 - 說愛你
[03:14:50] - 49.太陽 - 邱振哲
[03:17:39] - 50.六哲 - 畢竟深愛過
[03:22:22] - 51.韓安旭 - 不在
[03:26:38] - 52.伊哈 - 孤獨為榮

17 Views · 3 年 前


普天同慶的聖誕節,好想跟你們每位一起倒數,一起慶祝, 歡笑千次萬次……!!



曲 : Gareth Tong
詞 : 余日 / 六毫子
編 : Gareth Tong
監 : Edward Chan

憑著三個字 (I need you)
然後一變二 (That’s true) (ha ha ha ha)

今天你走進我生活時 (Stay with me)
原來日子裡面 (Yea Yea)

你向我呼叫 我會聽到你的心意 (你的心意)
我會發覺我 心跳一次千次萬次 (百萬次)
我會想要 每次看到 你的歡笑 (歡笑)

全年由一到十二 (十二)
祈求能一再實現 (實現)

I’m Mr. winter-sunshine
And I’mma say this one time
Ya one time
Just wanna give you all the time that you deserve
Cozy winter time
When I know that we need work

To make this work out
What love is all about
I can promise you the world
And I walk a hundred miles
Just to tell you one word
You'll always come first
Oh I swear this christmas

今晚 要與你飛得更高
有了你 我只想慶祝
旋律沿星空與你 在相擁

即將 再與你一起倒數
到聖誕 我只想滿足
同留在人海中與你 被祝福

Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du (It’s you)
Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du (It’s you)
Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du (It’s you)
Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu
AlI need is

Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du (It’s you)
Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du (It’s you)
Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du (It’s you)
Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu
AlI need is you

Oh its true
Oooh ya It’s you
The one I want

你向我呼叫 我會記掛你的聲線 (你的聲線)
我也會再次 心跳 一次 千次 萬次


Yea 我想給你知

有了你 我只想慶祝

即將 再與你一起倒數
到聖誕 我只想滿足

Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du (It’s you)
Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du (It’s you)
Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du (It’s you)
Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu
AlI need is

Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du
Let me hold you close

Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du
Through this winter cold can you

Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du
Let me love you like I should
Du Lu Du Lu Du Lu Du

OP: Warner Music Hong Kong Ltd (admin by Warner Chappell Music, Hong Kong Limited) /Music Nation Publishing Co Ltd

All Instruments by Gareth Tong
Guitar by Teddy Fan
Strings Programming by Enoch Cheng
Backing Vocal by Gareth Tong / Key Ng
Protools Editing by Edward Chan / Anson Chan / Bertha Ngai / Y.Siu / Michael Wong / Kelvin Au
Recorded by Edward Chan / Anson Chan / Bertha Ngai / Y.Siu /Michael Wong @nova
Mixed by Jay Tse

17 Views · 2 年 前

2022流行歌曲【無廣告】2022最新歌曲 2021好听的流行歌曲❤️華語流行串燒精選抒情歌曲❤️ Top Chinese Songs 2022@KKBOX-欢迎订阅 2
❖Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe❖

16 Views · 2 年 前

衛蘭 2018年 聖誕主打《伯利恆的主角》



#衛蘭 #伯利恆的主角 #TheStarOfBethlehem

曲:馮翰銘 / 衛蘭 / 林家謙 (Inspired by Hark the Herald Angels Sing)

Hark the herald angels sing
而 我暗自沉溺苦痛像極刑
心 只等你願救贖罪名

我 勉強的找個樂趣

聖誕一夜結霜 叫孤獨更長
你不在教我怎去被愛 怎被原諒
我能娛樂至上 我能情緒高漲
這夜我可擁抱誰 像你般馨香

你深受過傷 叫悲慟更長
我總善變 也總抱憾更毀壞形象
有如狂想 在那禱告下撫慰內傷
很牽強 人潮內我早迷失方向

我 勉強的找個樂趣

聖誕一夜結霜 叫孤獨更長
你不在教我怎去被愛 怎被原諒
我能娛樂至上 我能情緒高漲
這夜我可擁抱誰 像你般馨香

你深受過傷 叫悲慟更長
我總善變 也總抱憾更毀壞形象
有如狂想 在那禱告下撫慰內傷
很牽強 人潮內我早迷失方向


Violins by: Leslie Moonsun Ryang
Cellos by: Anna Kwan
Bass by: Chan Siu Kei
Vocals and Strings recording by: TheInvisibleMen @ TheInvisible Studio
Mixed by: TheInvisibleMen and [email protected] @ TheInvisibleStudio
Production Coordinator: Mei

Connect with Janice
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JaniceVidalO...
Instagram: http://instagram.com/janice_vidal
Website: http://www.warnermusic.com.hk

© 2018 Warner Music Hong Kong Ltd.

16 Views · 11 月 前

黃霑 高志森 創意與創造力 Innovation and Creativity

15 Views · 3 年 前

⁣Jer 柳應廷《水刑物語》《迴光物語》《風靈物語》三部曲

00:15 《水刑物語》

15 Views · 3 年 前

⁣1983年梅艷芳獲IFBI新人獎|黃霑 顧家輝頒獎|
肥姐 何守信主持|一出道已經獲獎無數

15 Views · 3 年 前

⁣Provided to YouTube by Golden Dynamic

夏日傾情 (重新唱) · 黎明


Released on: 2022-01-06

15 Views · 2 年 前

⁣陳奕迅FEAR AND DREAMS 香港演唱會|第一場 9 DEC ENCORE |《遊離份子》

吻你 嘴巴中呼吸空氣
一秒停頓 又繼續迷離
這種感覺 這快樂 似瞬生即死
厭棄 胡亂說允諾給你
只要尋覓 此刻的奧秘
你的體態 你面容 你心中歡喜
唯求能在這夜 翻天覆地
最美 一消失不會等你

離別你 懷念你 重覓你

游離 原是要鬆一口氣
請你明白 多麼的愛你
仍會別離 怨或恨
唯求能在這夜 翻天覆地
最美 一消失不會等你

離別你 懷念你 重覓你

離別你 懷念你 重覓你

15 Views · 11 月 前

⁣【周深 】高品质音乐合集精选

14 Views · 3 年 前

~纯粹分享歌曲~想你是臨睡的習慣作詞:張盛德作曲:張盛德/呂孫傑編曲:江建民寂寞是臨睡的習慣 習慣是一個人守著冰冷的床 和煙灰缸 沒有你的孤單想你在這樣的夜晚 打開窗吹著冷風故意 把燈關上 試著想像 你笑的模樣不懂我的愛在你生命中 佔據多少份量讓你哭泣 卻是我 心深處最痛的傷最殘酷的懲罰I will never try to break your heart我不願這樣 讓愛情不由自主陷入一場 兩敗俱傷的戰I will never try to break your heart我真的不想 再面對沒有你的寂寞夜晚煙霧迷茫的孤單不懂我的愛在你生命中 佔據多少份量讓你哭泣 卻是我 心深處最痛的傷最殘酷的懲罰I will never try to break your heart我不願這樣 讓愛情不由自主陷入一場 兩敗俱傷的戰I will never try to break your heart我真的不想 再面對沒有你的寂寞夜晚煙霧迷茫的孤單I will never try to break your heart我不願這樣 讓愛情不由自主陷入一場 兩敗俱傷的戰I will never try to break your heart我真的不想 再面對沒有你的寂寞夜晚煙霧迷茫的孤單

14 Views · 3 年 前


@Kimberley Chen is in the house! Opps! We didn't mean to break your heart...💔

⚠Please be cautious if you are Fragile Pink⚠

黃明志2021最新實體專輯【鬼才做音樂】11月正式發行,今天開始預購!Namewee's latest music album of 2021 [Ghosician] will be officially released in November, and Pre-order starts today! https://bit.ly/3BM4IIe

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14 Views · 3 年 前

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13 Views · 2 年 前

⁣《What a Christmas》 (feat. Angelita Li & Gliss)
導演:Tim Wong @ 巨人石柱影片製作
監製:Ivan Law @ Renaissance Studio 文藝復興工作室

現在 就要開燈 滿街璀璨與樂韻
期待聖誕 期待繽紛 暗中算著日期近
自拍燈飾 雪花飛粉 瞬間興奮 無餘韻  
平安夜平穩 人潮在身邊 所以慶幸

下月 就要熄燈 回復一切這樣近
期待過節 強烈觸感 去給個特別名份
但最中間 最普通的 某天可更吸引
無節日陪襯 奇妙有沒發生

Merry Christmas What is Christmas
原紀念愛 怎會怕不精彩
在每一天 擁有現在 才幸福得可愛
床頭 如欠禮物 再數幾多種想愛 未愛

現在 沒有開燈 眼睛跟我這樣近
期待最愛 凡事追趕 至少努力沒遺憾
在這中間 未到終點 腳底鋪滿足印
感恩過人生 還是這樣最真

Merry Christmas What is Christmas
原紀念愛 怎會怕不精彩
在每一天 都愛現在 才幸福得可愛
床頭 如欠禮物 再數幾多種想愛 未愛

如相信愛就是最愛 留低過去毋忘現在
明天有快樂未記載 每一分一秒也在揭開 
如希冀愛就互送愛 全心滿意成全現在
明天有禮物未揭蓋 這驚喜需要每日拆開

Merry Christmas What a Christmas
由節日愛 演變到更精彩
願每一天 緊抱現在 全部祝福轉載
原來 還有禮物 源自懂得珍惜這 種愛

13 Views · 2 月 前

How to Download Ample Metal Hellrazer"
Power of Schecter Hellraiser with Ample Metal Hellrazer

Explore the incredible soundscapes of heavy metal with the Ample Metal Hellrazer, designed to bring the distinctive tones of the Schecter Hellraiser nine-string guitar to your studio. Whether you're crafting Metalcore, Progressive Metal, or Djent, this plugin offers unparalleled versatility and realism.

**Key Features:**

- **Authentic Sound Sampling:** A comprehensive 5.8 GB sample library with bridge pickup samples, offering modes like sustain, hammer-on & pull-off, legato slide, palm mute, and more.
- **Advanced Technology:** Incorporates AI-generated metal riffs, a new preset manager, and CPC (Customized Parameters Control) for full MIDI and automation control.
- **Poly Legato and Slide Smoother:** Achieve seamless transitions and realistic performances.
- **Built-in AMP Simulator:** Includes 6 classic AMP models and 7 matching cabinets, each with 8 mic options, for a wide range of tones.
- **Riffer Panel:** A String Roll Editor and Dice Random Riff Generator for endless creative possibilities.
- **High-Quality FX:** Features an 8-band EQ, 2-line compressor, 6-tap echo, and IR reverb with 3D visualization.
- **Tab Reader:** Supports multiple guitar tablature formats, allowing you to load, display, and playback tracks, with export options for DAWs.

**System Requirements:**

Windows:** Windows 7/8/10, 64-bit only.
Mac:** 10.9 or higher.
Hosts:** VST2, VST3, AU, AAX, and Standalone.
Hardware:** 10 GB Hard Disk, Intel i5 or higher.

For musicians and producers looking to elevate their metal productions with authentic and versatile guitar sounds, Ample Metal Hellrazer is the ultimate tool.

Download Now👍 [Ample Metal Hellrazer](https://kalaplugins.com/ample-metal-hellrazer-2/)

Enhance your studio setup with the power of the Schecter Hellraiser and create groundbreaking metal tracks today!

Dreamwork Group AS
9 Views · 1 年 前

⁣Dreamwork er det ledende bemanningsbyrået i Oslo leverer bemannings tjenester innenfor kommersielle stillinger som salg, økonomi, & med mer. Vi er spesialisert på franchiserekruttering i Norge, og jobber aktivt med headhunting for å finne de beste franchisetakerne til din bedrift.

Vi tilbyr rekrutterings- og bemanningstjenester innen områder som salg og markedsføring, administrasjon, IT, rekruttere regnskapsmedarbeider og mer. Vi Finn talentfulle kandidater innen salg og kundeservice med Talents' bemanningstjenester.

Kontakt oss i dag for å finne topp talent! Besøk her :- https://dreamwork.no.

9 Views · 16 日 前

⁣In the realm of music production, having access to cutting-edge tools can elevate your projects to new heights. AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 is a powerhouse of software designed to refine vocal performances with precision and ease. This guide will walk you through the steps to download and install AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024, ensuring you harness its full ⁣https://soundbanks.io/product/....native-instruments-e Additionally, we'll explore another indispensable tool, Native Instruments – Evolve Mutations, which complements AutoTune by providing diverse soundscapes and textures for your compositions.
Why Opt for AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024?
AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 is renowned for its advanced features, including:
Enhanced Pitch Correction: Achieve studio-quality vocals with improved pitch detection algorithms.
Intuitive Interface: Streamlined controls make it accessible for beginners while offering depth for professionals.
Versatile Effects: From subtle corrections to creative modulation, this bundle caters to a wide range of musical styles.
These features make AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 a must-have tool for any serious music producer.
Step-by-Step Guide to Download AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024Step 1: Visit the Official Website
Ensure authenticity by visiting the official AutoTune website. Navigate to the Pro X 2024 section to proceed.
Step 2: Select Your Package
Choose the Pro X 2024 bundle that aligns with your production needs. Proceed to the checkout page to finalize your purchase.
Step 3: Create an Account
If you don't have an account, create one to manage your software licenses and updates effectively.
Step 4: Purchase and Download
Complete the purchase process by entering your payment details. Upon confirmation, you'll receive a download link via email.
Step 5: Install the Software
Locate the downloaded installer file and launch it. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation of AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024.
Step 6: Activate Your License
Open the installed software and activate it using the license key provided with your purchase. This unlocks all features of AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024.
Integrating Native Instruments – Evolve Mutations
Native Instruments – Evolve Mutations is a comprehensive sound design tool that ⁣https://soundbanks.io/product/....native-instruments-e AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 with its vast array of textures and atmospheres.
Key Features of Native Instruments – Evolve Mutations
Diverse Sound Palette: Explore a collection of meticulously crafted soundscapes and rhythmic elements.
Flexible Use: Suitable for film scoring, game audio, and music production across various genres.
Seamless Integration: Easily integrate Evolve Mutations into your DAW workflow for enhanced creativity.

8 Views · 6 月 前

黃子華・許冠文首次合作拍電影《破・地獄》感覺超越夢想丨許冠文30多年前曾找子華度劇本 搵黎明做主角 笑言唔知子華想做明星丨基督徒朱栢康學念經丨田木集作

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8 Views · 1 月 前

⁣Toontrack Vintage Rock (EZX)Download
Timeless Sound of Vintage Rock Drumming

Explore the heart of rock history with the Toontrack Vintage Rock EZX. This exceptional sound library is built around the legendary Ludwig Keystone drum kit, a staple in the music of iconic bands like The Beatles and Led Zeppelin. Recorded at the prestigious 2 Khz Studio in London by Grammy-winning engineer Peter Henderson and acclaimed drummer Chris Whitten, this EZX brings the classic rock sound to your EZDrummer 3 setup.

Key Features:
- **Legendary Drum Kit:** Features the iconic Ludwig Keystone kit, complemented by a Ludwig Black Beauty and Slingerland Radio King snare.
- **Expert Recording:** Captured by industry veterans Peter Henderson and Chris Whitten for unmatched audio quality.
- **Versatile Sound Options:** Includes samples recorded with both sticks and brushes, offering a wide range of tones.
- **MIDI Library:** Comes with a comprehensive MIDI library performed by drummer Morgan Ågren.

**Important Note:** This pack is compatible exclusively with EZDrummer 3. Make sure to purchase from our website to ensure compatibility and support.

Download Now: [Vintage Rock EZX](https://kalaplugins.com/vintage-rock-ezx/)

Embrace the vintage sound that defined rock music. Experience the timeless quality of the Toontrack Vintage Rock EZX today!

8 Views · 19 日 前

⁣How to Download AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on downloading AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024, the latest iteration of the industry-standard pitch correction software. Whether you're a ⁣https://soundbanks.io/product/....native-instruments-d music producer or an aspiring artist, AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 offers advanced features and unparalleled precision to elevate your sound. In this post, we will walk you through the download process, ensuring you can seamlessly integrate this powerful tool into your workflow. Additionally, we will highlight the remarkable Native Instruments – DUETS, an exceptional virtual instrument collection, and its compatibility with AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024.
Why Choose AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024?
AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 is designed to meet the demands of modern music production. With its state-of-the-art pitch correction algorithms, real-time processing capabilities, and user-friendly interface, it has become an indispensable tool for vocalists, producers, and audio engineers. Key features include:
Advanced Pitch Correction: Achieve perfect pitch with minimal artifacts.
Real-Time Processing: Instantly apply pitch correction during live performances or studio sessions.
Customizable Interface: Tailor the software to your workflow with intuitive controls and settings.
Vocal Effects: Enhance your tracks with a wide range of creative vocal effects.
Step-by-Step Guide to Downloading AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024
Visit the Official Website:
Start by visiting the official website of the AutoTune developer, Antares Audio Technologies. Ensure you are on the authentic site to avoid downloading counterfeit software.
Create an Account:
If you don't have an account, create one by providing your email address and setting a password. If you already have an account, simply log in.
Purchase the Bundle:
Navigate to the AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 product page. Select the bundle that suits your needs and proceed to checkout. Complete the payment process to receive your download link.

5 Views · 13 日 前

⁣Unlock the boundless realms of soundscapes, tones, and transitions with Native Instruments – STRAYLIGHT. This revolutionary software synthesizer is meticulously designed to create unique cinematic granular timbres that will elevate your music production to unparalleled heights. Whether you're a professional composer, sound designer, or music producer, STRAYLIGHT offers an extraordinary palette of sounds that are both inspiring and versatile.
Product Description
Native Instruments – STRAYLIGHT is a powerhouse tool that merges granular synthesis with a hands-on modulation system, providing you with an exceptional range of sounds that are perfect for scoring films, creating immersive soundtracks, or adding depth to any musical project. Here’s what sets STRAYLIGHT apart:
Unique Cinematic Granular Timbres: STRAYLIGHT's granular engine is capable of transforming any sound into breathtaking textures. From ethereal soundscapes to haunting tones, the software provides a unique sonic signature that is indispensable for cinematic sound design.
Tailored Modulation: The modulation system in STRAYLIGHT is designed for precision. It allows for precise control of intensity and timing, enabling you to sculpt sounds with unparalleled accuracy. Whether you’re looking to create subtle transitions or dramatic shifts in your audio, STRAYLIGHT gives you the tools to do it with ease.
Drag and Drop Your Own Samples: One of the standout features of STRAYLIGHT is the ability to import your own samples. This means you can generate one-of-a-kind sounds that are entirely unique to your project. The drag-and-drop functionality makes it simple to experiment with your own audio files, ensuring that your creative potential is never limited.
Experience STRAYLIGHT in Action
To truly appreciate the power and flexibility of STRAYLIGHT, we encourage you to explore the available videos and audio demos. These resources will give you a clear sense of the stunning capabilities of this software and how it can transform your musical compositions.
Watch Videos: Delve into the world of STRAYLIGHT by watching comprehensive tutorial videos that showcase its features and capabilities. See how professional sound designers use STRAYLIGHT to craft their signature sounds and learn tips and tricks to get the most out of the software.
STRAYLIGHT Audio Demos: Listening to audio demos is one of the best ways to understand the potential of STRAYLIGHT. These demos highlight the software’s ability to produce rich, textured sounds that are perfect for any cinematic or musical context.
Download STRAYLIGHT Today
Elevate your sound design and music production with Native Instruments – STRAYLIGHT. This cutting-edge tool is available for download from our website. With its unique capabilities and intuitive interface, STRAYLIGHT is a must-have for any serious composer or producer.
Download From: Native Instruments – STRAYLIGHT
Discover the future of cinematic sound design with STRAYLIGHT and bring your audio projects to life with unmatched depth and creativity.
visit: ⁣https://saleonplugins.com/prod....uct/native-insrrumen

4 Views · 29 日 前

⁣How to Download: Toontrack Duality II (EZX)
link : ⁣https://kalaplugins.com/toontrack-duality-ii-ezx/

Discover Unique Mix-Ready Sounds for Hard Rock and Metal
Dive into the world of bright, metallic, and progressive hard rock and metal with the Toontrack Duality II (EZX). Designed to complement its sibling, Duality I EZX, this extension offers a polarizing yet cohesive sound. Engineered by Jakob Herrmann and performed by drummer Alex Landenburg, the Duality II EZX was meticulously recorded at Top Floor Studios in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Key Features:
Professional Engineering: Recorded by Jakob Herrmann (Evergrey, Raised Fist, Amaranthe) and sampled by Alex Landenburg (Kamelot, Cyhra, Mekong Delta).
Comprehensive Kit: Includes one full kit with three rack toms, two interchangeable floor toms, six bass drums, eight snares, and a wide variety of cymbals (two rides, two hi-hats, and 13 crash/china/stack/splash cymbals).
Preset Variety: Features a broad range of presets by Jakob Herrmann and Toontrack, along with a custom MIDI library performed by Alex Landenburg.
Creative Versatility: Offers different takes on the core kit and creative hybrids using a large pool of additional kicks, snares, and cymbal content.
Explore the dynamic collision of ideals with the Duality EZXs, offering a unique balance of contrasting yet complementary drum sounds. Perfect for creating epic, mix-ready tracks for bright, metallic, and progressive hard rock and metal.
Download From: Toontrack Duality II (EZX)
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4 Views · 16 日 前

⁣Download Modern Techno Elements Sample Packs
If you're looking to elevate your techno productions with cutting-edge sounds and dynamic loops, the Modern Techno Elements (Sample Packs) is an essential addition to your toolkit. Produced by the renowned ISR sound design team, the creators of the iconic Industrial Techno pack, this collection is a 24-bit, 100% license-free arsenal of high-quality audio samples, meticulously crafted to bring your techno tracks to life.

Discover the Power of Modern Techno Elements
Modern Techno Elements offers an extensive range of sounds and loops designed to inspire and enhance your creative process. Whether you're crafting a blistering top loop, a sweet melodic element, or a powerful techno drum sequence, this pack provides all the tools you need. Every sound in this collection is set to 127 BPM, making it perfect for the fast-paced tempo of modern techno.
Key Features:
Diverse Audio Collection: Includes everything from basslines to vocal samples, textured loops, and more.
Premium Quality: 24-bit audio ensures top-notch sound quality.
Versatile Usage: Compatible with any DAW, allowing you to integrate these samples seamlessly into your projects.
What's Inside the Pack?
Modern Techno Elements leaves no stone unturned, offering a comprehensive selection of audio elements that cater to all aspects of techno production. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what you’ll find:
27 Basslines: Deep, driving bass sounds to anchor your tracks.
48 Drum Loops: Punchy and dynamic loops that provide a solid rhythmic foundation.
10 Hats, 22 Kicks, and 9 Snare Claps: Essential drum elements to create your own unique patterns.
18 FX Shots and 9 FX Loops: Perfect for adding atmospheric and transitional effects.
20 Kick Loops: Powerful kick loops to give your tracks a strong pulse.
38 Synth Loops: Versatile synth loops that can be twisted and re-looped to suit your needs.
13 Texture Loops: Add depth and complexity with these textured loops.
23 Vocal Samples: Unique vocal samples to give your tracks an edge.
Why Choose Modern Techno Elements?
This pack is more than just a collection of sounds; it's a complete toolkit for techno producers. The ISR team has ensured that every element is not only high-quality but also incredibly usable. Whether you're a seasoned producer or just starting out, you'll find these samples easy to work with and highly inspirational. The inclusion of effects shots, loops, and essential drum shots means you can create intricate and polished tracks with minimal effort.
How to Download Modern Techno Elements (Sample Packs)
Ready to take your techno productions to the next level? Downloading Modern Techno Elements is straightforward. Simply visit the link below and follow the instructions:
Download Modern Techno Elements (Sample Packs)
By adding Modern Techno Elements to your collection, you're equipping yourself with a versatile and powerful set of tools that will help you create standout techno tracks. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your productions with top-tier sounds from ISR.
Modern Techno Elements (Sample Packs) is an indispensable resource for any techno producer. With its comprehensive range of high-quality samples and loops, this pack provides everything you need to craft professional-grade tracks. Download it today and unlock the full potential of your techno productions.
Remember, great music starts with great sounds. Start your next sonic adventure with Modern Techno Elements and make your mark on the techno scene.
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4 Views · 15 日 前

⁣For music producers and vocalists striving for top-tier sound quality, the AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 is an essential tool. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of downloading and installing AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024, ensuring a smooth and efficient setup. Additionally, we'll introduce Native Instruments – Karriem Riggins Drums, a versatile drum software that complements AutoTune and enhances your music production experience.
Why Choose AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024?
AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 is renowned for its advanced pitch correction and vocal ⁣https://soundbanks.io/product/....native-instruments-k capabilities. The latest version includes improved algorithms, intuitive controls, and innovative creative tools designed to help you achieve professional-quality results effortlessly. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced producer, this software is perfect for refining your vocal tracks.
Step 1: Verify System Requirements
Before downloading AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024, ensure that your computer meets the necessary system requirements. Visit the official website for detailed specifications and confirm that your operating system (Windows or macOS) is up to date to avoid any compatibility issues.
Step 2: Purchase or Subscribe
Visit the official AutoTune website or an authorized retailer to purchase or subscribe to AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024. Various pricing plans are available, including one-time purchases and subscription options that offer regular updates and additional features.
Step 3: Download the Installer
After completing your purchase or subscription, you will receive a download link via email or on the website. Click the link to download the installer file, typically a .exe for Windows or a .dmg for macOS. Ensure you have a stable internet connection to prevent interruptions during the download process.
Step 4: Install AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024
Locate the downloaded installer file on your computer and double-click to run it. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process. You may need to enter your purchase or subscription details to activate the software during installation.
Step 5: Configure Your DAW
Open your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) and verify that it recognizes the newly installed AutoTune plugins. Most DAWs, such as Ableton Live, Logic Pro, and FL Studio, will automatically scan for new plugins. If not, you may need to manually add the plugin folder in your DAW's preferences.
Step 6: Explore AutoTune Features
With AutoTune Bundle Pro X 2024 installed, you can begin using it on your vocal tracks. Experiment with various presets, adjust the pitch correction settings, and explore the creative vocal effects to achieve the perfect sound for your music.

4 Views · 9 日 前

⁣How to Download Melodic TechHouse 02 (Sample Packs)
Unlock the Future of TechHouse Music Production with Melodic TechHouse 02 by Delectable Records

Are you ready to elevate your TechHouse, DeepTech, and Techno productions? Melodic TechHouse 02 by Delectable Records is here to transform your music creation process with a cutting-edge sound collection designed for contemporary producers. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the details of this exceptional sample pack, exploring its extensive features and providing you with step-by-step instructions on how to download and utilize these sounds to enhance your tracks.
Key Features of Melodic TechHouse 02
Premium Sound Quality: All samples are recorded in 24-bit quality, ensuring crystal clear sound.
Extensive Collection: The pack includes a total of 429 unique sound files, covering various elements essential for TechHouse production.
Versatile Loops: 238 WAV loops featuring 20 Perc Loops, 31 Synth Loops, 23 Pad Loops, 24 Bassline Loops, and 140 Drum Loops.
Diverse Drumkits: 20 Drumkits available as Tops and separate parts, providing flexibility in beat creation.
Cutting-Edge Hits and One-Shots: A total of 169 hits and one-shots, including 11 SFX-Loud Shots, 20 SFX-Rise Shots, 20 Snare Shots, 18 SFX-Down Shots, 20 Hat Shots, 20 Kick Shots, and 60 Perc Shots.
Sampler Patches: 7 sampler patches for EXS24, Kontakt, and NNXT multi-formats, making integration seamless.
Detailed Breakdown of ContentsCategoryQuantityDescriptionSound Files429Unique sound files in various categoriesWAV Loops238Includes Perc, Synth, Pad, Bassline, and Drum LoopsPerc Loops20Rhythmic loops for percussive elementsSynth Loops31Melodic synth loopsPad Loops23Ambient pad loopsBassline Loops24Deep, driving bass loopsDrum Loops140Varied drum loops including Tops and partsDrumkits20Complete drumkits for versatile beat makingHits and One-Shots169SFX-Loud, SFX-Rise, Snare, SFX-Down, Hat, Kick, PercSampler Patches7Patches for EXS24, Kontakt, and NNXTHow to Download Melodic TechHouse 02
Downloading Melodic TechHouse 02 is straightforward and quick. Follow these steps to get your hands on this essential sample pack:
Visit the Download Page: Navigate to kalaplugins.com.
Select the Sample Pack: Find Melodic TechHouse 02 in the sample packs section.
Add to Cart: Click on the "Add to Cart" button to proceed with the purchase.
Complete the Purchase: Follow the checkout process, providing necessary payment and contact details.
Download the Pack: Once the purchase is complete, you will receive a download link. Click on the link to download the sample pack to your computer.
Integrating Melodic TechHouse 02 into Your DAW
After downloading, it's time to integrate the sounds into your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). Here's a brief guide on how to do this:
Unzip the Downloaded Files: Extract the contents of the downloaded ZIP file.
Locate the Samples: Navigate to the folder containing the samples and patches.
Import into DAW: Import the WAV files into your DAW's library. For sampler patches, load them into EXS24, Kontakt, or NNXT as required.
Start Creating: Begin incorporating the loops, hits, and patches into your tracks. Experiment with different combinations to create unique TechHouse grooves.
Melodic TechHouse 02 by Delectable Records is an indispensable tool for any TechHouse, DeepTech, or Techno producer. With its extensive collection of high-quality loops, hits, and sampler patches, this sample pack provides everything you need to create professional-sounding tracks. Follow the download instructions above to add this powerful resource to your production arsenal and elevate your music to new heights.

3 Views · 16 日 前

【 40 傷感歌曲 】40 最好的悲傷的愛情歌曲 💔 [ 超悲伤的歌想死的歌曲 ] 中文抖音歌曲11月2022 🎧 抖音最伤感歌曲合集 🎧 伤感歌曲 💦 Chinese Sad Love Songs
【 40 傷感歌曲 】40 最好的悲傷的愛情歌曲 💔 [ 超悲伤的歌想死的歌曲 ] 中文抖音歌曲11月2022 🎧 抖音最伤感歌曲合集 🎧 伤感歌曲 💦 Chinese Sad Love Songs
【 40 傷感歌曲 】40 最好的悲傷的愛情歌曲 💔 [ 超悲伤的歌想死的歌曲 ] 中文抖音歌曲11月2022 🎧 抖音最伤感歌曲合集 🎧 伤感歌曲 💦 Chinese Sad Love Songs
00:00:00 01.错过-杨馥伊
00:03:34 02.后继者-任然
00:07:30 03.像诗-李晗
00:10:29 04.匿名设定-浆糊音乐.
00:14:25 05.俘获-陈佳茜
00:18:36 06.不舍-任然
00:22:47 07.失恋俱乐部-任然
00:26:11 08.凉城-任然
00:29:58 09.安全感-万一
00:34:08 10.不多-有声有社
00:37:35 11.不必-温婉之.
00:41:21 12.为你-大志
00:44:10 13.余温 - 林亦双.
00:46:59 14.一去不回的时光-任然
00:50:39 15.迂回-赵偲旖
00:53:59 16.被迫-田雨萌
00:58:23 17.一早一晚-章鱼妹
01:02:44 18.月老梦-林亦双.
01:05:50 19.睡不着-新声主义
01:09:34 20.太蠢-杨馥伊.
01:13:50 21.深情人设-龚一霖
01:18:04 22.空心圆-陶心瑶
01:22:24 23.无人可偷-喵了个咪
01:25:39 24.坏人-温婉之.
01:29:28 25.渐行渐远-林玉涵
01:33:45 26.刚好-任然
01:36:59 27.偷心-楸
01:40:18 28.Y小姐-任然
01:44:47 29.分开的理由-伊晗
01:48:43 30.半颗心-赵偲旖
01:52:23 31.不美-任然
01:56:36 32.不停留-毕晓歆
02:00:52 33.失衡-杜花兒
02:04:30 34.可惜我不是他-Xun
02:08:21 35.可惜最后-尐雨熙
02:12:16 36.孤独守则-卓少帅
02:15:45 37.告辞-蒋蒋
02:20:50 38.月光-赵偲旖
02:24:16 39.后青春-KaKa黄佳欣
02:27:30 40.十二月的阳光-Vtaeat文轩
02:31:45 41.月光-清欢渡
02:37:03 42.离开之后-任然
02:41:45 43.物换星移-何枝树
02:45:04 44.从此爱情-三更半夜
02:48:38 45.卑微的人容易输-Fanfan
02:52:11 46.舍-锐士糖
02:56:28 47.滤镜-喻昕可
03:00:24 48.错乱底线-浆糊音乐
03:05:04 49.观众-林亦双
03:09:29 50.雀跃-赵偲旖
03:13:19 51.不配-有声有社
03:16:53 52.I Can Wait-鞠文娴
03:20:19 53.19岁-李宏毅
03:24:13 54.以你命名的行星-乔佳旭
03:28:36 55.不过一念-新声主义
03:32:09 56.不完美-新声主义
03:36:10 57.45度的仰角-大志
03:39:45 58.从此以后-颜陌
03:44:07 59.你寄来的信-杨彤彤
03:48:01 60.你寂寞才找我-苏小麦

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3 Views · 13 日 前

⁣Unlock the boundless realms of soundscapes, tones, and transitions with Native Instruments – STRAYLIGHT. This revolutionary software synthesizer is meticulously designed to create unique cinematic granular timbres that will elevate your music production to unparalleled heights. Whether you're a professional composer, sound designer, or music producer, STRAYLIGHT offers an extraordinary palette of sounds that are both inspiring and versatile.
Product Description
Native Instruments – STRAYLIGHT is a powerhouse tool that merges granular synthesis with a hands-on modulation system, providing you with an exceptional range of sounds that are perfect for scoring films, creating immersive soundtracks, or adding depth to any musical project. Here’s what sets STRAYLIGHT apart:
Unique Cinematic Granular Timbres: STRAYLIGHT's granular engine is capable of transforming any sound into breathtaking textures. From ethereal soundscapes to haunting tones, the software provides a unique sonic signature that is indispensable for cinematic sound design.
Tailored Modulation: The modulation system in STRAYLIGHT is designed for precision. It allows for precise control of intensity and timing, enabling you to sculpt sounds with unparalleled accuracy. Whether you’re looking to create subtle transitions or dramatic shifts in your audio, STRAYLIGHT gives you the tools to do it with ease.
Drag and Drop Your Own Samples: One of the standout features of STRAYLIGHT is the ability to import your own samples. This means you can generate one-of-a-kind sounds that are entirely unique to your project. The drag-and-drop functionality makes it simple to experiment with your own audio files, ensuring that your creative potential is never limited.
Experience STRAYLIGHT in Action
To truly appreciate the power and flexibility of STRAYLIGHT, we encourage you to explore the available videos and audio demos. These resources will give you a clear sense of the stunning capabilities of this software and how it can transform your musical compositions.
Watch Videos: Delve into the world of STRAYLIGHT by watching comprehensive tutorial videos that showcase its features and capabilities. See how professional sound designers use STRAYLIGHT to craft their signature sounds and learn tips and tricks to get the most out of the software.
STRAYLIGHT Audio Demos: Listening to audio demos is one of the best ways to understand the potential of STRAYLIGHT. These demos highlight the software’s ability to produce rich, textured sounds that are perfect for any cinematic or musical context.
Download STRAYLIGHT Today
Elevate your sound design and music production with Native Instruments – STRAYLIGHT. This cutting-edge tool is available for download from our website. With its unique capabilities and intuitive interface, STRAYLIGHT is a must-have for any serious composer or producer.
Download From: Native Instruments – STRAYLIGHT
Discover the future of cinematic sound design with STRAYLIGHT and bring your audio projects to life with unmatched depth and creativity.
visit: ⁣https://saleonplugins.com/prod....uct/native-insrrumen

3 Views · 9 日 前

⁣Are you ready to infuse your music production with the vibrant, infectious rhythms of Reggaeton, Moombahton, and Tropical House? Look no further than the "Singomakers: Tropical Reggaeton" sample pack. This comprehensive collection offers a treasure trove of high-quality samples designed to elevate your tracks and make them stand out in any playlist.
Comprehensive and Versatile Sample Library
"Singomakers: Tropical Reggaeton" is a meticulously crafted sample pack that brings you an extensive variety of sonic elements. Inside, you’ll find a massive selection of guitar and ukulele loops, perfect for adding that authentic tropical flair to your tracks. The pack also includes rich chord progressions, melodic kalimbas and marimbas, vibrant synth melodies, and infectious drum beats that will make your rhythms pop. To add even more depth, full vocal parts and diverse percussion elements are included, ensuring you have everything you need to create complete, polished tracks.
State-of-the-Art Studio Processing
Every sample in the "Singomakers: Tropical Reggaeton" pack has been created and processed with top-tier studio equipment. Expect nothing less than exceptional quality with gear like the Roland TR 909, Technics 1210, Manley passive EQ, Avalon VT747, UAD-2 plugins, Virus TI2, Moog Voyager, and Korg MS20 used in the production process. This attention to detail ensures that each drum hit, synth, and loop is as punchy and warm as possible, ready to seamlessly integrate into your productions.
Bonus Content and Exclusive Offers
In addition to the high-quality samples, the pack also includes a special promo folder. This folder provides access to a secret link with free samples from Singomakers and a special discount code for their highly acclaimed VST plugin, ‘Magic Stereo.’ This plugin is a favorite among top-tier producers such as Hardwell, Flosstradamus, W&W, D.O.D, Dannic, Futuristic Polar Bears, Swanky Tunes, Bart Claessen, Joachim Garraud, Rezone, and Maddix. Adding ‘Magic Stereo’ to your toolkit will give your mixes an extra edge, making your tracks even more dynamic and professional-sounding.
Versatility Across Genres
While the focus is on Reggaeton and Tropical genres, the versatility of this sample pack allows it to be used across a wide range of music styles, including Hip Hop, House, and Tropical Bass. Whether you're looking to produce a summer hit, an infectious dance track, or a chilled-out tropical vibe, "Singomakers: Tropical Reggaeton" has you covered.
Get Your Copy Today
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your music production with top-quality, versatile samples. Check out the demo track to hear the potential of "Singomakers: Tropical Reggaeton," and grab your copy today from this link.
Elevate your music with the sounds of the tropics and join the ranks of top producers who trust Singomakers for their creative needs. Download "Singomakers: Tropical Reggaeton" now and start creating your next hit!
visit: ⁣https://saleonplugins.com/prod....uct/singomakers-trop

3 Views · 12 時 前

⁣Atmospheric Techno Sample Pack: A Comprehensive GuideHow to Download: Atmospheric
😍 Techno Sample PacksOverview😍

Discover the latest in techno sound design with New Loops Atmospheric Techno, a meticulously crafted sample pack tailored for ambient, dub, and atmospheric techno enthusiasts. This pack is brimming with an impressive array of 270 sounds, ensuring that you have all the sonic elements needed to create your next techno masterpiece. Dive into 106 audio loops, including techno drum loops, bass loops, and synth loops, alongside 124 one-shot samples featuring drums, kicks, synths, bass, and sound effects.
Detailed Contents
The Atmospheric Techno sample pack is a substantial resource, with a total size of 651 MB, encompassing a variety of loops and one-shots to elevate your productions.
Audio Loops (106 total)
54 Atmospheric Loops
9 Bass Loops
21 FX Loops
5 Kick Loops
22 Synth Loops
One-Shot Samples (124 total)
Drum Hits
Kick Samples
Synth Stabs
Bass Shots
Sound Effects
Download Information
For a comprehensive sound palette tailored to atmospheric techno, access the Atmospheric Techno Sample Pack at the following link: Download Atmospheric Techno Sample Pack.
This detailed collection promises to enrich your music production, providing the textures and rhythms needed to bring your atmospheric techno tracks to life. Whether you're looking for deep basslines, intricate synths, or ethereal soundscapes, this pack has it all.

2 Views · 47 分鐘 前

⁣The "Mixwave – Luke Holland Drums" library is a groundbreaking addition to the world of drum sampling, captured during the recording sessions of Jason Richardson’s "II". This library marks the debut of Luke Holland’s exceptional drumming skills in a meticulously engineered format. With an emphasis on tightness, punch, and precise tuning, this drum library is designed to cut through even the most complex and dense mixes with ease.
Luke Holland’s inaugural drum library is a testament to his prowess and versatility as a drummer. Recorded with the highest quality equipment and engineered to perfection, this library delivers an unparalleled drumming experience that will elevate your music production to new heights. Whether you’re working on a heavy metal track, a pop hit, or a complex progressive composition, the "Mixwave – Luke Holland Drums" library offers the flexibility and quality you need.
Key Features
Precision and Punch
Each drum hit in this library is captured with extreme precision, ensuring that every note you play is crisp, clear, and punchy. The library has been meticulously tuned to provide the perfect balance of attack and sustain, making it suitable for a wide range of musical genres.
High-Quality Recording
The drums were recorded during the sessions for Jason Richardson’s "II", ensuring that they are of the highest quality. The recording process involved using top-of-the-line microphones, preamps, and converters to capture the true essence of Luke Holland’s drumming.
Versatile and Adaptable
With a wide range of drum kits and individual drum samples, this library is incredibly versatile. You can easily adapt it to fit any musical style, from the heaviest metal to the smoothest jazz.
Intuitive Interface
The user interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, allowing you to quickly find and use the samples you need. Whether you’re a seasoned producer or a beginner, you’ll find that this library integrates seamlessly into your workflow.
Dynamic and Expressive
One of the standout features of the "Mixwave – Luke Holland Drums" library is its dynamic range and expressiveness. Each sample captures the subtle nuances of Luke’s playing, from the softest ghost notes to the hardest hits.
Download Now
Experience the cutting-edge quality and versatility of the "Mixwave – Luke Holland Drums" library. Elevate your music production with samples that are designed to cut through any mix and bring your compositions to life. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to work with a library that embodies the pinnacle of modern drum engineering.
Download From: https://saleonplugins.com/prod....uct/mixwave-luke-hol
With the "Mixwave – Luke Holland Drums" library, you’re not just getting drum samples; you’re getting a masterclass in modern drum engineering. Download it today and hear the difference in your music.

Showing 8 out of 8